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elections are suitable for in in each perspective of our life . it played an important role in giving us aresposible governence by far electing the best representative which can fill the suitable need of the people of the country

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Q: How far elections have played an important role in giving us a responsible government?
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Voting is very important at anytime. Voters elect people to represent them in government and when they don't vote they are giving up the right to determine if the person running for office will represent them and make laws for the common good of the nation or community. They are giving up their voice to change things for the better when they don't vote.

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Why is it important for people to vote in elections even if it is not a presidential election year?

Voting is very important at anytime. Voters elect people to represent them in government and when they don't vote they are giving up the right to determine if the person running for office will represent them and make laws for the common good of the nation or community. They are giving up their voice to change things for the better when they don't vote.

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Was the consent of the governed an important idea in Italy?

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Giving government leaders information (apex).

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The legal branch of the government is most responsible for the Miranda Rights. The rights are written into the law in the 5th and 6th amendments to the Constitution. In 1966 the supreme court set a precedent for these rights to be read to anyone accused of a crime.

Originally national elections were for the purpose of?

Giving electors an indication of which candidate the people preferred (NovaNET)

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A totalitarian government is one with absolute power over the economy, government, and society. This means elections, market policy, and religious or social policy will be fused directly to the state's wishes, thus giving the people no freedom at all. This differs from the authoritarian model, where the government controls elections but does not intervene in the markets or attempt to disrupt the country's culture. Mussolini's Italy was totalitarian like Stalin's Soviet Union, but Pinochet and Franco were authoritarians.