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The flag had a metal "curtain rod" that folded out, sewn into the top seam of the flag. They simply folded out the rod, and the flag looked like it was waving, especially since they left it sort of crumpled to look like Earth flags do when they are waving. Now here is the important part. The ONLY times the flag moves are when the astronauts are moving it, or brushing past it, or when it is settling down from this. At NO time did the flag ever move otherwise, because there was no air. There are plenty of pictures and footage to prove this. I am posting links to pages that help people understand this and other things that confuse them about the flights. See below.

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Because some people believe the lunar landing was a farce, created in a basement of a Hollywood production basement.

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Q: How is the American flag flying when there is no air in space when neil Armstrong put it on the moon?
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