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Q: How is the spear same as a tool you use today?
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spear is thrown from kayak and the hunter holds the rope attached to the spear

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They do use the same "dealer only" special tool dipstick.They do use the same "dealer only" special tool dipstick.

What tool do astronomers use to study space?

they use space probes,satellites,and of coarse,telescopes.

What did poverty point Indians use to build a monument?

a tool adurr or a knife i think a spear maybe lol your didnt want my help......................oh well then

How do you use the word spear in a sentence?

you use spear as a noun or verb.Examples:Noun: His spear was always kept sharp if any unwanted visitors were to come.Verb: I want you to spear that dummy right in the chest, soldier!

What did soldiers use bayonets for?

Soldiers used bayonets attached to a rifle or musket as a spear. When the bayonet was not affixed to the gun, the soldiers used the bayonets as a general purpose cutting tool.

What is a tool that Sumerians invented that we still use today?

The Sumerians invented the wheel, which is still widely used in transportation and machinery today.

What weapons have been around the longest and hence have the longest history to explore.?

Weapons that are still used today that have been around the longest are probably the rifle followed by the cannon. Weapons that had the longest use but are obsolete today are the spear (and maybe the ax) followed by the bow and arrow. The spear is surly the earliest weapon. It became the lance which was in use as late as World War 1

What tools and weapons did aboriginals use?

The digging stick and the boomerang.Weapons included the spear and the nulla nulla, which was like a club. The woomera was a tool to help throw spears faster and with more accuracy.

What use did Aboriginal Australians have for a woomera?

The woomera was attached to a spear in order to increase the distance it would travel. Sometimes it also had other implements attached to it and became a multi-purpose tool.

What tool can you use to see cells today?

you can use a microscope if you want you can put the cell on a little clear plate then observe it it is optional

What brought about the end of the use of the spear?

The use of Firearms