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15 year olds:
No more than 40 hours a week during the summer
No more than 20 hours a week during the school year
No more than 3 hours a day on a school night
You cannot work during school hours (even if you are home schooled)
No more than 8 hours a day on weekends or on non-school days (holidays, summer, etc)
You have to have a 30 min non-interrupted meal break after every 4 hrs

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16y ago

im not 100% sure but i think its 38 you can Google it for a more accurate answer

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Q: How long can a 15 year old work per week?
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It depends on the legislation of the country.

How many hours a week can a fifteen year old work a night?


Can a 14 year old work at winn dixie in Florida?

In Florida 14 year old teenagers can work at Winn-Dixie but they will only start with bagging groceries on the weekends. 16 and 17 year old teenagers can work up to 30 hours a week.

How long can a 16 year old work per week?

40 working hours in week including 2 days rest in a week. And not allowed to work between 11pm. to 7am. According to the Department of Labor, The FLSA does not limit the number of hours or times of day for workers 16 years and older. It does also vary by state, so you must take into consideration the state they are in.

What hours can a 16 year old work in Texas?

In Texas there is no restrictions to how long and how much or even what times a 16 year old can work.

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40 hours. You are an adult at 18 .

How many hours can a 14 year old work at a Fast Food Restraint?

40 hours a week

How can a 13 year old make 200 in a week?

There is not many ways a 13 year old girl can make 200 dollars a week. They can try making the money by babysitting, doing lots of yard work, or walking dogs.

How many hours can a 14 year old work in Maine?

well during the school week you can work 3 hours after school and how ever many on weekend and 18 hours per week max during school year and during the summer you can work 40 hours a week and until like 10pm

Where is work in chesterfield for a 15 year old?

The Royal Oak Restaurant take on 15 year old for £60 a week! But there is also Van Dykes Hotel which is about £4.50 an hour!

How many hours can a 17 year old work at Kroger?

im 17 and I worked 39 hours this week