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Q: How long does it take for the elevator to get to the top of John Hancock building in Chicago?
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Related questions

Which country is John Hancock Center found?

John Hancock Center is a building found at Chicago in USA.

Who is made the The John Hancock Building in Chicago?

Eddy Murphy

What are Two famous skyscrapers in chicago?

The northern building is the John Hancock building. The southern building is the Sears Tower.

Does the John Hancock building have a rotating bar or restaurant?

Yes, the John Hancock Building is in Chicago IL on North Michigan Ave. at Pearson St.

Did John Hancock have a museum namened after him?

no he did not have a museum after him but he does has a building named after in downtown Chicago IL

What was the only building to survive the great Chicago fire?

The most famous building in Chicago to survive the great fire is the Water Tower. It is located on North Michigan Ave. at Chicago Ave. (across from the John Hancock building).

Which building is John Hancock sitting on in the movie Hancock?

empire state building.

What are some landmarks that begin with the letter j?

John Hancock Building in Chicago

Can you live in the John Hancock building?

yes you can live in the John Hancock building... It's not recommended, because you would get arrested.

What apt bldg did Chris Farley die in Chicago?

Chris Farley died on the 16th floor of the John Hancock building. That was where his apartment was.

The name of the skyscraper building in Boston?

The tallest building is the John Hancock Tower (the blue one). The square building is the Prudential Center. But the John Hancock is the tallest in Boston.

What are some different things in Chicago?

There are different kinds of pizza places such as Lou Manatis I recommend this place for some Chicago pizza. You can also visit the Willis tower which over looks the city of Chicago. You can also visit the John Hancock observatory. There are different kinds of museum especially for the kid's.