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It has been moved to a Thursday so it does not clash with football matches. So ITV will be able to fit in football matches in.

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sometimes but not always

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Q: How long has coronation street been shown on Thursday?
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Coronation Street

Why wasn't Coronation Street shown during first week of June 2010?

Coronation Street was postponed on 2, 3 & 4 June 2010 out of respect for the residents of Cumbria where there had been several shootings. The storyline in Coronation Street that week concerned a gun siege and it was felt inappropriate to show this.

Where can you find episodes of Coronation Street that have not been broadcasted yet?

It is not possible to watch episodes of Coronation Street before they have been broadcast. However, on the Coronation Street website you can watch preview clips.

What commercials where shown after the first episode of Coronation Street on 9th December 1960?

They would have been advertising Soap (That is why it is called a soap opera)

Is coronation street still being filmed or has it been cancelled?

coronation street is a continuous programme of episodes it's on tv weekly where different things happen each week and carry on from then it never ends it was first broadcasted in 1960 and some of the actors in coronation street today have been in the programme ever since it was frist made so they've been in it since they was young. :)

Did Coronation Street ever run on a Saturday?

Coronation Street has never been broadcast on a Saturday. There have, however, been episodes transmitted on a Sunday.

How long has Schmeichel been in Coronation Street?

Schmeichel, the Great Dane, has been in Coronation Street for 7 years. The pet has been played by four different dogs.

What is Fiz called in Coronation Street?

Fiz Stape is played by Jennie McAlpine. She has been in Coronation Street since April 2001.

How many doctors have there been in coronation street?


What the name of the actress who plays fizz in coronation street?

Fiz Stape from Coronation street, is played by Jennie McAlpine. She has a baby daughter, named Hope. (In corrie not real life!!) :)

What is Tina from Coronation Street's name?

Tina's real name is Michelle Keegan. She joined Coronation Street in 2008 but she was only meant to be a character that stayed for a month. The public loved her which is why she is still in Coronation Street now.

What movie and television projects has Gemma Langford been in?

Gemma Langford has: Played P.C. West in "Coronation Street" in 1960. Played Police Officer in "Coronation Street" in 1960. Played P.C. Dwight in "Coronation Street" in 1960. Played Policewoman in "Coronation Street" in 1960. Played Police Constable in "Coronation Street" in 1960. Played Kim in "Second Guest" in 2008.