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Fourteen main lifeboats with a capacity for 65 people each

two emergency sea boats 40 occupants each.

four collapsible boats 47 each

that adds up to total of 20 boats on Titanic. If all the lifeboats were filled to it's maxium capacity, there would only have been room in them for 1178 people. half of them will die...

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Q: How many boats were on the titanic on April 5th 1912?
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How many days was the titanic cruise supposed to be?

Titanic departed on April 10, 1912, and was scheduled to arrive on April 17, 1912

How many years did the Titanic sail?

The Titanic set sail on 10 April 1912 but hit an iceberg 4 days later and sank.

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Titanic departed on April 10, 1912, and was scheduled to arrive on April 17, 1912

How many days was titanic ashore?

Titanic was moored at Southampton, UK from April 3rd to April 10th. (in 1912).

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In 1912, Titanic left Ireland on April 11th and struck the berg on the evening of April 14th.

How does the titanic impact people today?

The sinking of the ship was a tragedy. It left a huge footprint. Many rules were changed of the boats, (look up on google). It is remembered. The 100th anniversary is on April 14th 2012! THE PEOPLE WHO DIED ON APRIL 14TH 1912 DUE TO THE SINKING OF THE TITANIC WILL BE REMEMBERED

How many survivied the sinking of the Titanic?

a total of 706 people survived the sinking of the Titanic on April 14, 1912!

About how many days the titanic need to get the destination?

Titanic left Southampton, UK on April 10th, 1912, and was due in New York on April 17th.

How many minutes passed from 1140PM on April 14 1912 to 220PM on April 15 when the titanic sunk?

The titanic completely sunk at the time & date of April 15, 1912 2:18 A.M. or 218 min. passed

What was the unsinkable ship that sank in 1912?

Many ships sunk in 1912, but I'd say the most memorable one would have to be the Titanic. It sunk April 15. Around 1-2:30 a.m.

How many people died on or in the water of the titanic sinking?

1,514 people died in the RMS Titanic disaster. April 15, 1912.

How many days at sea was the titanic before sinking?

the Titanic set sail April 10th, 1912 and sank April 15th, 1912 at approximately 2 am. so the Titanic was at sea for about 5 days.