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how many prisoners were in the debtors prison from 1800 1870

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Q: How many debtors prisons did England have in the 1800s?
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Did England have prisons for debtors?

Yes, England did have debtors' prisons in the past. Debtors who were unable to repay their debts could be imprisoned until their debts were settled or a repayment plan was agreed upon. The practice of imprisoning debtors was abolished in England in the mid-19th century.

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The settlement for debtor prisoners was the practice of allowing imprisoned debtors to secure their release by paying off their debts or making a settlement agreement with their creditors. This practice was common in the 18th and 19th centuries before debtor's prisons were abolished in many countries.

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That would have to depend on the city but there were still many open sewers in the streets - even in London.

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