Mainly, the year is divided into four main seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Australia, China, Korea, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan are the countries that experience the four seasons.
2 seasons
4 seasons!!
There are three Pucca seasons
Three seasons.
It is like any other country. It has four seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring
Mainly, the year is divided into four main seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Australia, China, Korea, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan are the countries that experience the four seasons.
There are 32 cities in Afghanistan
How many air miles from Ohio to Afghanistan?
about 40%
how many seasons are there in your country how many seasons are in Peru
"The World Is An Afghan Carpet, Four Seasons in an Afghan Village" by Anna Badkhen tells the story about a rug maker in Afghanistan. The story chronicles the very difficult life of the poor of villages in Afghanistan.
About 4,590 are stationed in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is a land locked country,
Afghanistan is has less refugees
there is no saying on how many marines are ovre in afghanistan.... there is no saying on how many marines are ovre in afghanistan.... but I will tell you how many marines are OVER afghanistan.. ALL OF THEM.