2 seasons
There is no season 4 however, there was a spinoff series called Mako Mermaids.The three seasons of H2O & the three seasons of Mako Mermaids are currently (August 2015) streaming on Netflix.
You can't. Mako Island isn't real. It was made up by the writers of a TV show. Mermaids are not real either and you cannot change into a mermaid or any other sort of creature.
Charlotte gets mermaid powers the same way Cleo, Emma and Rikki got their powers she hopped in the water at the same time the full moon raised above the cave in Mako.
No, for several reasons.There is no real place called Mako Island in Australia. It is a film set on Queensland's Gold Coast.There are no such things as mermaids. As much as it is nice to believe in a fantasy world, the myth of mermaids is believed to come from sailors sighting dugong in ocean waters. And dugong are not the most attractive creatures, so you would probably not want to be one.Mako Island involves a volcano. There are no active or even dormant volcanoes in Australia, have not been for thousands of years, nor are there likely to be any time in the near future.
2. There's the first: Mermaid Mealody. Then there's: Mermaid Melody Pure
2 seasons
i have heard if you want to become a mermaid or merman go to Mako island when the full moon is out it is west or north of the pacific ocean If you want to know searchReal mermaids of mako island found by professor mandelhoffs
Right now there is a 1 finished Season out, the 2nd Season is being filmed & should wrap up in July, & there should be 3 seasons..😎
you can go but if you land in the moon pool on a full moon you will become a merman/mermaid
Mako in seasons one and until episode 15 in season two then Greg Baldwin in season three .
There is no season 4 however, there was a spinoff series called Mako Mermaids.The three seasons of H2O & the three seasons of Mako Mermaids are currently (August 2015) streaming on Netflix.
You can't. Mako Island isn't real. It was made up by the writers of a TV show. Mermaids are not real either and you cannot change into a mermaid or any other sort of creature.
Two. The longfin mako, Isurus Paucus, and the shortfin mako, Isurus Oxyrinchus.
Yes. I am Emma Grumman. And I am a mermaid. Just to let you know two things: My real last name is Krogman. And, I was turned into a half mermaid was when I visited Australia, at Mako Island. A cannot touch water unless I want to be a mermaid. Do not tell anyone one, For if you do, Do not tell a hunter. (I am telling the truth about this all.)
Emma became a mermaid when she swam in the moon pool on Mako Island during a full moon, with her friends Cleo and Rikki. She first learned she was a mermaid when she went for a swim in her pool the following morning.