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Q: How many smokestacks did the Carpathia have?
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Related questions

How many smokestacks were there on the Titanic?

The Titanic had four smokestacks.

What is missing from the skyline of Central American cities?

Smokestacks of industries.

What ship came to help the survivors of the titanic?

The RMS Carpathia was the one who rescued the survivors

What rhymes with Carpathia?

There aren't many (or any) real rhymes with Carpathia but here's a list of near rhymes:1forsythia2hypochlorhydria3achlorhydria4hortensia5moldavia6cornelia7dacia8octavia9germania10gymnasia

How do you use smokestacks in a sentence?

Puffs of dark smokes came billowing from the factory's smokestacks.

What is the Carpathia for the Titanic?

The Carpathia picked up the Suvivors from the Titanic

What is the phobia of smokestacks called?

The phobia of smokestacks is called anemophobia. It is a specific phobia that causes individuals to experience intense fear and anxiety when exposed to smokestacks or tall structures emitting smoke.

What happened to the Carpathia after Titanic?

The Carpathia was struck by a torpedo, 115 miles off the coast of Ireland. The famous ship that saved many Titanic's survivors, finally went to rest at the bottom of the sea. Rest In Peace Carpathia

How big was the carpathia?

Carpathia was 540 ft long.

How many funnls on the Titanic actually worked?

3 smokestacks on the Titanic worked but there were 4.

What was the ship called that rescued many titanic survivours?


How many people were rescued by the Carpathia from the Titanic disaster and how many people died?

712 people were saved on Carpathia and 1,496 people died on Titanic.