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Generally speaking, masonry joints are typically ground out to at least a depth of 3/4". If your mortar is unuaually soft or loose you may need to go deeper.

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Q: How much mortar do you remove for tuck pointing?
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What is the best way to keep mortar off of brick when tuck pointing?

make sure the mortar is not too runny, it should be a nice dryish consistency, then use an appropriate pointing tool and use a wire brush to quicky remove any mortar on the face of the brick.

In a condominium who is responsible for tuck pointing?

Tick pointing: the process of repairing or replacing the mortar between bricks. Read your governing documents to determine who owns the bricks and who is responsible for maintaining them. Usually, if the bricks are on the exterior of the building, the association owns the real estate asset and is responsible for maintaining it. If it's on the interior of a unit, it might be your responsibility.

Differences between jointing and pointing?

In Civil Engineering:1 - Pointing: Pointing is act of filling the joints 15mm to 20mm from outer surface with rich mortar (1:2 ratio of Cement and Sand). This is done to obtain various objectives from detailed work which may look beautiful to make economic use of mortar where there are not enough resources to plaster and so on.Types of Pointing are, Flush, Struck, V, Grooved, Weather, Recessed Pointing and Tuck pointing.2 - Jointing: Jointing is act of layering the constructional material (Stone, Brick or Concrete Block) and also making the Joints in Concrete slabs.Differences:1- : Jointing comes first because 'Pointing' is enhancement of joints.2- : Jointing is done to bind (adher/stick/strengthen) the constructional material where'Pointing is done to make the bonds look beautiful and become resistant against weather effects and dampness.3- : Jointing is considered basic and intrisnsic to constructional work (Also called Masonry if it is done with Bricks/Stones/Blocks), where pointing is additional favor to the building.4- : Jointing deals with how building materials are to be placed with each other and how can they strengthen each other and is aided by the mortar, hence 'Jointing' needs (1) Building Material (2) Mortar; Pointing deals with how to 'ENHANCE' the JOINT by using more MORTAR, hence it needs 'MORTAR'.Hope you have understrood now.Mirza

How much is the cheapest tummy tuck in Ireland?

how much is the cheapest mini tummy tuck in ireland

How much money did Tuck Everlasting gross worldwide?

Tuck Everlasting grossed $19,344,615 worldwide.

How much money did Tuck Everlasting gross domestically?

Tuck Everlasting grossed $19,161,999 in the domestic market.

What is the difference between tuck tape and duct tape?

Tuck tape is much stronger and has better adhesive.

How much does NFL player Justin Tuck weigh?

NFL player Justin Tuck weighs 268 pounds.

How much is a mini tummy tuck in Florida?

A mini tummy tuck averages $6,625, which is what you can expect to pay in Florida.

How much does Matt tuck weighs?

95 kg

How much is a tummy tuck in the US?

Depending on how much work needs to be done to the patient and how long it will take, the cost of a tummy tuck can cost anywhere from $3,600 to $17,000.

How do you Remove passenger mirror on a 1998 Ford F150?

insisde tuck three nuts and wiring harness.