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20000 volts

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Q: How much static electricity do you hold in your bodies?
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How does lightning realate to electricity?

Well i don't know about electricity but i know about static electricity. Lightning is like static electricity, except on a much bigger scale. Both lightning and static electricity happen because of the attraction between the opposite charges. When static electricity moves, it is a current. When static electricity in clouds discharges to earth there is a huge, very short current pulse (surge).

How does humidity level affect the amount of static electricity that can be build up on a balloon?

It affects by not allowing as much static electricity to stay on the balloon's surface. When the air has more moisture in it (humidity), the static electricity picked up is more likely to disperse in the air than stay on the surface area. As it's the opposite when the air is dry....when the balloon picks up the static electricity, it is more likely to hold on to it than in dryer air than disperse it like it does in warmer air.

Does the thickness or thinness of hair affect how much static electricity it can hold?

e=mc2 (more matter equals more energy) im in 5th grade and i no that

How does eliminating static electricity help or hinder the performance of a device?

Eliminating static electricity helps the performance of the device because it prevents the device from cutting out as much and picking up on static noise.

Does it matter on the colored hair and how much static electricity it will carry?

not at all

What is lightning a form of?

Electricity. Lightning is a stream of electrons traveling between the clouds and the ground. It's just like static electricity shock, but much bigger.

Is static electricity a form of potential electrical energy?

Yes. Much in the same way that a stretched rubberband has potential energy.

Why is sulphuric acid transported by tankers and not by train?

train contain to much static electricity due to its metallic body but trucks a truck discharges the static electricity to the earth, so if sulphuric acid is transported by train that would cause an explosion due the reaction of sulphuric acid and static electricity

Why is sulphuric acid transported in road tankers and not by trains?

train contain to much static electricity due to its metallic body but trucks a truck discharges the static electricity to the earth, so if sulphuric acid is transported by train that would cause an explosion due the reaction of sulphuric acid and static electricity

How is lightning related to electrity?

Lightning is like static electricity, except on a much bigger scale. Both lightning and static electricity happen because of the attraction between the opposite charges. protons, and electrons

How much a electricity can a generator hold?

None. A generator generates electricity, it does not store it.

What is the hypothesis of the question Does the color of hair affect how much static electricity it can carry?

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