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Me am tall because my parents are tall.

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Q: How tall are elephant birds?
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Was the Elephant bird bigger than the Moa?

The elephant bird. But now, the ostrich is bigger because the elephant birds are extinct.

Diverse group of mainly extinct flightless birds including the 10 foot tall elephant bird?


Where did elephant birds live?

Elephant birds lived in Madagascar, an island off the eastern coast of Africa. They were flightless birds that resembled modern-day ostriches and stood about 10 feet tall, making them one of the largest birds to ever exist.

How tall is the smallest elephant?

A baby elephant.

At birth how tall is elephant in inches tall?

A baby elephant a.k.a a elephant calf is around 2.5 feet tall when it is born. that works out to nearly 30 inches tall when born.

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What do elephant birds eat?

Elephant birds were omnivorous, feeding on a diet of vegetation, fruits, seeds, small animals, and insects. They were known to forage for food on the forest floor using their large, powerful beaks.

How much taller is a bull elephant than a timber elephant?

On average a bull elephant is 10 feet tall, and a timber elephant is about 9 feet tall. A bull elephant is about 1 foot taller than a timber elephant.

How tall an a African elephant be?

An African elephant can be from 1ft to19ft.

London zoo has a breeding pair of elephant birds?

no elephants birds exist about 16 century

What are some autotrophs in the grasslands?

An example is an elephant and the elephant birds.. The elephant gets cleaned up and the elephant bird get a meal!

Which birds are common at the North Pole- extinct elephant birds or extinct dodo birds?

none there extinct