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he is a softmore so he is about 15 or 16 years old

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Q: How tall is Cameron from ant farm?
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Why is pasley and Cameron from ant farm not on ant farm anymore?

They are both young adults now.

Who plays Cameron parks in ANT farm?

Carlon Jeffery

What is Cameron's real name in ant farm?

Carlon Jeffrey

How old is Cameron from ant farm now?

I think he is 18

What is Cameron Parks real name in ant farm?

Carlon Jeffrey

What is Cameron's real name off of ant farm?

calron jerferry

What is Cameron's name in ant farm?

His name is Cameron Parks. When you asked the question you answered yourself, technically.

How tall fletcher from ant farm?

5 foot tall

Does Vanessa Morgan like Cameron?

No because cameron its really is her type and in ant farm I think she was just being nice

How tall is china off of ant farm?

china ann mcclain is 4ft 8in tall

How old is Cameron off of ant farm?

Look it up on how do you think you got on this website huhh well of course

What is Cameron's power in the show ANT Farm?

He doesn't have one, he is a sophomore in high school and is China's older brother. He is just short.