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Hammurabi failed to recognize the value of human life. Let's say that one day a man kills another man.The killer would only have to pay a sum of money to bail himself out, but if a man steals he would have to die. He killed a human being. You cannot replace life. See how Hammurabi's laws were unfair? Hammurabi's laws were unjust and cruel.

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Q: How was Hammurabi code fair and unfair?
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Why Hammurabi's code was fair?

Yes because the Hammurabi was strict

Were Hammurabi code of laws fair?

they were fair cause they were

How many laws of Hammurabi were there?

there were 282 laws made by hammurabi

Was Hammurabis Code Fair?

yes they were fair becuse the pretected the peoople and punished the guilty. lake.

What was Hammurabi known for?

Hammurabi was known for developing a wise and fair code of law.

Was Hammurabi laws fair to the people?

no it is unfair to the people there are to many useless stupid laws that they have to follow

Is Hammurabi's Code fair?

Most historians think so.

Was Hammuabi's code fair or unfair?

Historians found it just.

Was Hammurabi an enlightened ruler?

Hammurabi made a great leader was because he tried to make everything fair to everyone. That is why he made the Code of Hammurabi but not everyone could read. He created the first code for which all citizens had to obey, and he incorperated other cultures and learned from them. He tried to make life fair, though by today's standards it would be considered unfair and harsh.

Who did Hammurabi care about?

His code of laws was fair to all classes of status and slaves.

Is there any evidence in this document that can be used to argue that Hammurabi's code was fair?

Yes, it shows significant gender and stature-related biases. Google Hammurabi's Code if you want a list of the laws.

Was Hammurabi code fair to the victim?

Mots laws are fair in punishment to the culprit. Once a person becomes a victim, there is not much anyone can do.