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Bad the south was really racist it's still pretty bad

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Q: How was Mississippi racist in the 1960s?
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When will Mississippi get with the times and stop being racist?

Mississippi is not racist. Some of its people are. Perhaps more than usual, but that does not make Mississippi racist any more than, say, a city with 60% Hispanic people Hispanic. As far as "when will racist people stop being racist?", that may take a long time. Eventually they might come around to the truth, but there have always been, and always will be, people that think they are better than other people, sometimes only based on a distorted comparison such as skin color.

What was the Mississippi used for?

throwing black people until the 1960s when black people came to power

Where did the term Mississippi burning come from?

The most familiar source of the term "Mississippi Burning" comes from racist hate groups. At one time, the Ku Klux Klan was known for burning down Afro-American churches and homes in the state of Mississippi.

Who was Skip James?

Skip James was a Mississippi blues singer and guitarist who was born at the beginning of the 1900s and died in the 1960s. His songs have influenced generations of musicians.

What is a white racist?

It depends on how one uses the term "white racist". To some, white racist is someone who is white and they are also racist. To others, however, a white racist is someone who is racist exclusively towards white people.

Is Gandhi racist?

No, Gandhi was not racist.

Was huey long a racist?

No he was not a racist.

Why did prohibition end in Mississippi?

State-wide alcohol prohibition was finally repealed in Mississippi in the 1960s (about a third of a century after the repeal of National Prohibition) because many residents came to believe that prohibition was a failure and caused serious problems. However, local option continues to exist in the state.

Is it racist to dislike a racist?

No. It would only be racist if you were to hate the racists' race in return.

How do racist people feel after being racist?

they feel great after a good racist comment!

What is the plural form of racist?

The plural form for the noun racist is racists.The word racist is also an adjective.