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Yes david was a person who wrote many Psalms and worshiped God.

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Q: How was king David a follower of God?
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King Solomon was not a follower of Islam. The king known for his wisdom was the son of King David, and leader of Israel. Despite not being a Muslim, King Solomon is regarded by Islam as an elect by God and a wise king.

How was king Solomon's reign different from king David's?

The reign of King Solomon and David was that, when David sinned he repented, but Solomon did not he went away from God.

What did king David love?

David always loved Jonathan and God.

Who chose David as a king?

Actually god used Samuel to choose david as the king to succeed Saul.

Was david annoited by god?

Yes, David was anointed by the Prophet Samuel as king of Israel, according to the biblical account in the Books of Samuel. This anointing solidified God's choice of David as the future king and marked the beginning of his reign.

Who did God pick to be in Israel's line of kings?

God chose Saul to be the first king of Israel. Saul disobeyed God so God chose a new king who was David. Of David's sons, God chose Solomon to succeed David. God also promised David that his line would continue to rule forever.

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How was king saul different from king David?

The difference between King David and saul was that david listened to god and even repented again and again. But it was not so with Saul.

How was king david different from from king saul?

The difference between King David and saul was that david listened to god and even repented again and again. But it was not so with Saul.

How are King Saul and King David different?

-King Saul refuse to listen to god and David listened to God-Saul was a farmer-warrior and David was a Shepard also Saul sinned and David did not ever *-Saul and David were both great warriors-They were thought as the chosen ones from God*2 Samuel 12:13 - David said to Nathan, "Ihave sinned against the LORD." Nathan replied, "The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die.*1 Chronicles 21:8 - David said to God, "I have sinned greatly by doing this. Now, I beg you, take away the guilt of your servant. I have done a very foolish thing."David sinned plenty!

How was king Solomon's reign different from David's?

The reign of King Solomon and David was that, when David sinned he repented, but Solomon did not he went away from God.

What did god say to Solomon?

David would be king.