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Zim thinks GIR is annoying and dysfunctional, but shows he has a soft spot for him because everytime GIR starts crying, Zim makes Gir feel better by consoling him or letting do what he wants. An example would be in the episode 'Walk of Doom', when Zim yells at Gir for getting them lost and makes him cry, Zim then tells Gir that by him yelling the situation won't be fixed, and that it isn't Gir's fault.

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Q: How would describe Zim and Gir's relationship in Invader Zim?
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How many girs are there?

Only one Gir ; it was given to Invader Zim . Each Irken invader is assigned one SIR (Standard Information Retrieval) unit to help facilitate the conquering of a planet .

Does invader zim girs monky have a tail?

I have this Flash Drive of GIR hugging his monkey... GIR's tail is visible and I'm not seeing a tail on the monkey. Considering that if there were a tail on the monkey, it would show because of possible size and position. So I'm gonna say no. No tail. =] invader luver 4 life!

Where are the blood girs in invader zim?

i dont know all of them, but there is one in the episode mortose der soulstealer in the theme song after u see zims house the cables that come torwed u , it'll come on for a half second, but u can go on youtube and serch blood gir... not aloud on youtube..... nurts to u

Why was the show 'Invader Zim' cancelled?

Invader Zim was cancelled due to poor ratings , the dark nature of the show , problems with going over budget . They did try to get the show moved to MTV like Ren and Stimpy but that never went through .

What can we do with an 18 year old girs who wants to run away and live with a guy who is into gang activity and drugs what can we do?

Harsh but effective, take her to a morgue and hospital ER. Let her see with her own eyes what that life will bring, is death. Bring her to inner city areas, drive around showing her what they have, nothing. Let her know that no one should define her, that she should do that, that not being a independent thinker, will take away her self esteem and confidence. Why be a follower when you can be a leader. There are groups out there that will be happy to help you, they are lead by adults and family members of someone that has been killed by gang related violence and they speak for the community. Look in your local phone book or go down to the local YMCA or community center for outreach program information. Good luck.

Related questions

Who plays girs voice?

Rosearik Rikki Simons, that is if your talking about gir from "Invader Zim".

How do you girs?

i could tell you how but here is a link that will show you how to draw him

How many girs are there?

Only one Gir ; it was given to Invader Zim . Each Irken invader is assigned one SIR (Standard Information Retrieval) unit to help facilitate the conquering of a planet .

Does invader zim girs monky have a tail?

I have this Flash Drive of GIR hugging his monkey... GIR's tail is visible and I'm not seeing a tail on the monkey. Considering that if there were a tail on the monkey, it would show because of possible size and position. So I'm gonna say no. No tail. =] invader luver 4 life!

When did Dmitry Girs die?

Dmitry Girs died in 1886.

When was Dmitry Girs born?

Dmitry Girs was born in 1836.

When was Nikolay Girs born?

Nikolay Girs was born in 1820.

When did Nikolay Girs die?

Nikolay Girs died in 1895.

Can girs have erections?

Not unless they have penises.

What do girs hate?

ugly boys

Would mindless date a girl with black skin and they are cute?

yes they would because they like black girs and they would really like a cute one.

What do emo girs like?

Punk Rocking Outfits