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Hehe, same for me, i wrote a little script for one, i will shot it during this summer probably if i get my friends to play in it, it will maybe be 30min long :)

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Q: I like to make werewolf movies?
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Related questions

Can two silver bullets kill a werewolf?

yes it can kill a werewolf in the movies.

Where can you find movies or shows about gay male werewolf lovers?

There are no major movies or shows with this theme.

Could werewolves losed their furs if they died?

No, people die in what ever condition they are in. The movies make it look like a dead werewolf transforms back into it inactive state when they die but it just isn't so.

Can humans have werewolf abilities like the eyes?

No you need to be a werewolf to have werewolf abilities. And, to be a werewolf, you need to be a fictional character like they are.

Did Lavender Brown become a werewolf?

No. In the books, Lavender's fate was left unknown but as she was not attacked by Fenrir when he was in werewolf form she would not have become a werewolf. In the movies, Lavender died.

Was anyone bitten by a werewolf in the Harry Potter movies?

Yes. Yes.

Does turning into a werewolf hurt?

Yes it is depicted as painful in movies, but they are not real.

Werewolf and vampire 2009 movies?

Two popular werewolf movies from 2009 are "The Wolfman" and "New Moon," part of the Twilight series featuring vampires and werewolves.

How can you make a potion to turn you into a werewolf?

to turn into a werewolf wolf

If someone wants to be a werewolf what do they do?

You cannot become a werewolf. The ones depicted in books and movies are based on ancient beliefs in supernatural abilities and transformations.

A prayer to become a werewolf?

There is no prayer to become a werewolf. Werewolves are not a real species of animals. They are fictional characters in movies, television shows, and books.

Can you change into a werewolf if you want to?

,no. we are human beings liing onplanet earth.werewolvs are for the movies