They were literally broiled alive like roast beef!
A Force ghost, or Force Spirit, is an ability a Jedi (and at some level, also the Sith) can make after death where they can appear and speak to the living. The most common form is when they appear as they did when they were alive, but transparent with an energy glow.
the native Americas appear to be running away because the would be killed
Hannibal Lecter is a fictional character. He was never really alive.
Daryl did not actually appear in The Walking Dead comics. His character is original to the television series.
Yes you might be confued by die young but she is 30 and alive and i are both alive
That was a movie and they were actors. They didn't really die.
all of them
he dcides to fry the fish while its still alive
he is definitely still alive, but we don't know why exactly he doesn't appear in any interviews.
They were literally broiled alive like roast beef!
I've been unable to find anything about her being dead, and it would appear that she is still alive.
She hasn't! Kimberly Brown is alive and well. She is best known for her role as Marnie Piper in the first three Halloweentown made for TV movies on the Disney Channel. Her most current role was starring the recently cancelled AMC series Low Winter Sun.
absolutely not, helene is still alive, and she occassionally appear in the concert
im not sure but it will be cool and scary at the same time