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Mineral spirits should evaporate rather quickly. Scoop out any residue manually.

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Q: If you accidentally spilled about a quart of mineral spirits in your pool how can you get it out?
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How can you use quart in a sentence?

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Is a quart a mineral or Rock?

A quart is a measurement of volume, like a pint or a gallon.Quartz, however, is a mineral.

How do you use quarts in a sentences?

There are four quarts of water on the windowsill.

How many quartz are in a pint?

1 pint is 1/2 or .5 of a quart. 2 pints equal 1 quart.

What do you use to thin wood stain?

I can't verify this info, but a Hm Depot paint dept worker said:use up to 1/4 pint (4fl oz) of water for water based stain per quart- or paint thinner/mineral spirits for oil-based stain

What is the most common mineral?

There are a lot of different answers to this. the most common mineral in earths continents is quart's mineral sio2 in riverbeds and at the bottom of ocean floors is quarts.But,when you talk about feldspar that is more common then quarts.

You accidentally put one quart of fluid in the transmission will it ruin your transmission right away?

You failed to mention what fluid you accidentally put in. In any case, have the transmission fluid flushed out and replaced with the proper ATF right away.

What if you accidentally put 1 quart too much oil in your 2005 Chevy Silverado?

Over filling engine oil can cause catayltic converter.

What type of power steering fluid does a 1990 Jaguar XJ6 take?

HSMO mineral oil (it's green). You can buy it online, it runs about 10.00 for a quart.

What if you accidentally pour a quart of oil into the automatic transmission fluid?

Don't drive it, but have it towed to a reputable garage that can flush the transmission. Driving it with the oil may cause serious damage to the transmission.

How much is a quart of transfer case oil?

Depends on what it is, and whether it's mineral, semi-synthetic, or full synthetic. There isn't one oil which is used universally for all transfer cases. For the most part, you can expect to pay $4 - $10 per quart, depending on what exactly it is.

Why are chickens so alert?

Chickens are so Alert, because they are made of breasts, thighs, wings, and drumsticks, and they are very tasty. You would be alert too, if your spilled a quart of gravy all over yourself, and were walking around in the jungle in the middle of the night.