

Best Answer

There is no law saying you have to unless a grandparent has custody of the children.

Most of us go through this with parents. They retire, sometimes become lonely and enjoy seeing their own kids and grandchildren. They can lose track of time and forget how hectic life can be for two working parents. I would sit down and talk with them and set up a time to decide how often you are going to visit them. Don't get angry with them, but communicate the fact that both of you are extremely busy and sometimes it's difficult to drive the 60 miles every single weekend. Suggest every other Sunday. Also, you could visit once a month and spend a weekend, but it sounds as if you don't have a lot of personal time to yourselves as a family, so the every 2nd Sunday sounds best. If the children are in agreement perhaps they could stay the odd weekend with their grandparents or one week of their holidays. This is something you will all have to sit down and decide. Be thankful your children have grandparents and tread carefully on the feelings of those grandparents because before you know it they won't be there.

Good luck Marc

Answerthey have no rights period and gratefully so as they are not the ones that gave birth and didnt raise the children. I did look this up once. Its been tried and failed. I would never do to my children as my mother in law does to me so I would say its a matter of opinion as to what is best for you and you alone. You married your husband or wife...not their family. I certainly don't tell them what they need to do and direct their lives and I expect no less from them in return. No grandparent has a right to push their way in any way in your life or children...ever unless they can prove abuse on your part.


Parents have the legal right to move their kids anywhere they want, provided that the move doesn't conflict with the rights of the child(ren) to spend time with their parents (if the mother and father live apart). As for the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc., if they want to spend time with your kids, they need to transport themselves to the child(ren)'s home. My parents and most of my other relatives live all over the country. I'm not going to shell out money for airline tickets and empty gas tanks every time somebody wants to see my son.

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