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Q: In 'A Streetcar Named Desire' who is Blanche's husband?
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What was blanches job in A Streetcar Named Desire?

English teacher at a school in her hometown.

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What is the plot of A Streetcar Named Desire ?

The main plot of "A Streetcar Named Desire" is focused on the character Blanche DuBois and her trial and tribulations in the story. Her husband has an affair.

Who yelled Stella in streetcar named desire?

Her husband Stanley Kowalski.

Who wrote 'A Streetcar Named Desire'?

A Streetcar Named Desire was written by Tennessee Williams.

What was the budget for A Streetcar Named Desire?

The Production Budget for A Streetcar Named Desire was $1,800,000.

How did blanches husband die from a street car named desire?

Committed suicide after Blanche 'caught' him with another man

What is the conflict in A Streetcar Named Desire?

in the story "A streetcar named desire" written by Tennessee Williams. i think SStella is admirable character because her husband Stanley is a angry person. she loves her husband while Stanley many times hiking Stella. also he is not likes her sister stay at his home.

How much money did A Streetcar Named Desire gross worldwide?

A Streetcar Named Desire grossed $8,000,000 worldwide.

How much money did A Streetcar Named Desire gross domestically?

A Streetcar Named Desire grossed $8,000,000 in the domestic market.

what is A Streetcar Named Desire?


What genre is A Streetcar Named Desire?
