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Q: In 1947 Pakistan separated from India because of tensions between Jews and Christians?
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How did west Pakistan separated from east Pakistan?

because the east pakistani people were being violated by the west pakistani soldiers and the men of the region finally realized that pakistan was crazy.

What r the reason was west Pakistan was responsible of sepration fom the eat Pakistan?

East Pakistan separated from West Pakistan because of neglect and abuse on part of West Pakistan. East Pakistan was fairly lawless and forgotten by West Pakistan. East Pakistan had no voice when it came to its own affairs, as well.due to these reasons it was seperated.

How was India and Pakistan separated?

The Partition of India occured in 1947 when British India was patitioned into what came to be the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Peoples Republic of Bangladesh and the Republic of India. The Indian Independence Act 1947 resulted in the dissolution of the Britisl Indian Empire and the end of the British Raj.

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He separated the Pakistan and Bangladesh. He also was a big supporter of Mahatama Gandhi which freed India. because of him childrens of the India have there own day on 14th november

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because the government of Pakistan is not prepare for monsoons.

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because the government of Pakistan is not prepare for monsoon

Is Pakistan has extradition treaty with UK?

no because they are from pakistan

What is government of Pakistan?

According to the constitution of Pakistan, Prime Minister of Pakistan is also known as Head of Government because his responsibility is to run government of Pakistan. He is also known as Chief Executive of Pakistan because of Highest executive power in Pakistan.

Why were Christians banned from China in the mid-1700?

Christians were banned from China in the mid-1700s due to concerns over their spreading influence on Confucian society, as well as political tensions related to Christian involvement in the Chinese Rites controversy. The Qing Emperor issued edicts restricting and eventually prohibiting Christian activities in China during this time.

Why was Pakistan separated?

It's a common misconception that Pakistan was seperated. In fact before 13th of August 1947 there was just one country, which was called Hind. After that as a result of partition two countries emerge: One is called India and the other is Pakistan. So, Pakistan and India are result of Partition in 1947. Official date of creation of Pakistan is 14th Aug 1947. Official date of creation of India is 15th Aug 1947.