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the answer is raja

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Q: In India the leader of each village was givin what title?
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Who is the leader of the sand village and what is his title?

The current leader of the sand village is Gaara. His title as leader of the sand village is Kazekage.

In feudal Germany what was the title of the village leader?

In feudal Germany the village leader was called the Burgermeister. The title of the Burgermeister often translates into English as mayor.

The leader of each village was given the title of Vedas or raja?

The leader of each village was given the title of Raja, not Vedas. Raja means king or leader in Hindi, while Vedas are ancient sacred texts in Hinduism.

What is the title of the leader of the Sound Village?

there is no official leader like a kage or fuedal lord but orochimaru serves as a leader. i hope i answered your question.

What title does the leader of your country have?

In India it is the Prime Minister that rules the country.

What title was Julius Caesar givin in 44 bc?

Julius Caesar was given the title Dictator for Life in 44 BC.

What is the title of the book The village by the sea?

The title of the book "The Village by the Sea" was written by Anita Desai.

What is a Muslim commander called?

There is no " Muslim tribal chief." You probably mean sheikh (best pronounced "shike" or "shake" but also "sheek"), which is the usual title for the leader of an Arab family or village, i.e. a tribe. The word is not a Muslim title. It simply means "old man." An Islamic spiritual leader is called an imam, which is not a tribal title.

Is The title of the North Korean leader a king?

No, he is a dictator, but he has taken the title dear leader

What is the title of a Portuguese leader?

The title of a Portuguese leader is the president. The current leader and president of Portugal is known as Anibal Cavaco Silva.

What is the title of the leader in Itlay?

The title is the prime minister.

What is the title of the leader of the leader of the house?

Speaker of the House