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it is extremely wierd, took me quite a while, 10-20 mins :S

you should probably be able to make it onto the balcony sort of thing with the lamp.

what i think i accidentally did was - got on the left edge of the balcony, ran at the wall and jumped right sort of, towards the wooden pole sticking out of the wall.

i managed somehow to get him running up the wall for a second and jump right, grabbing the pole.

i was suprised, as i was mashing buttons, and i had done the same thing and it hadnt work, except this time he actually WASN'T a retard.

hope this helps

but it probably wont.

Here this is kind of an update if you haven't done it. Just hold onto R1 + X and do not touch the analog stick. If you do that then he'll just jump and hang onto the wooden pole. Hope this helps ;)

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Q: In assassins creed 2 how do you get to the top of the tower in the mission when your altier in acre?
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