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Rory Foster

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Q: In the book Holes When Stanley fell and slid down the mountainside why didn't the jars of water break?
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What did Armpit in holes do when asked by Stanley where he could get water?

he punched Stanley cos Stanley didnt call him armpit ;]

What is the injustice done in holes the movie?

stanley was punished for the shoes he didnt steal

How does Stanley in the book Holes by Louis Sachar become a hero?

Well, he didnt actually become a hero but he became famous instead

What was the incident in the book Holes by Louis Sachar?

what incident?warden found out stanley didnt dig his holes.big incident

What is the plot summary of the book Holes by Louis Sachar?

what goes around comes around, because what elya (the great great grand father of Stanley) didnt do to madame Zerone Stanley did to Zero (her great great grandson)

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In holes the novel briefly explain the curse of the one legged gypsy?

In holes the gypsy puts a curse on stanleys great great grandfather because stanleys great great grandfather didnt carry the gypsy up mountain. so now when ever something goes wrong with Stanley he blames hes great great grandfather.

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she didnt break any rules..

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Then you didnt break it in half

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The kid who didnt really talk a lot?His name is Herald aka Zero i think..or you may be thinking of Stanley,like the main character I think...Ive only seen the whole movie once I think lol

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