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Q: In the movie Finding Nemo what kind of symbiotic relationship does dory have with the sharks?
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A mutualistic symbiotic relationship is in the movie. This would be displayed between the clownfish and the sea anemone.

How much real science and what is in the movie Finding Nemo?

???? and clown fish,sharks,etc all the things in the ocean

What is the symbiotic relationship between a clownfish and a seamone?

Mutualistic. The clown fish provides food for the sea anemone and in return, the clown fish is given protection. The clownfish lays eggs in the sea ananome, and the ananome protects the eggs because of its stinging tentacoles. An example is the movie Finding Nemo.

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The great white sharks actually have that many teeth and they have three rows of them. This applies to all sharks that they have many rows of teeth or just many teeth.

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There was Coral Reef, Sea Anenomie, Clown Fish, Stingray, Sharks, Birds, etc.

How many sharks in the Deep Blue Sea movie?

there are 3 sharks

Is there going to be a live action Street Sharks movie?

there should definatley be a live action street sharks movie

Is there a movie called fish sharks?


What was the movie finding nemo about?

about a little fish named nemo that gets taking away by a diver and his dad travels the whole ocean looking for facing through many things even sharks.

Will there be any sharks in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean On stranger tides?

There were not any sharks in that film

What is the movie about a shark in a river?

The movie is called sea sharks i think