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Q: In which event are orange blimps given?
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Related questions

How many orange blimps did the show SpongeBob SquarePants get?

I believe the show has got 2 orange blimps in a row.

What colors are the blimps for kids choice award?

tee hee orange silly! :D everybody knows that

Is there an orange heart event?

No, Nobody has an "Orange Heart" Event.

Is lithium in blimps?

No, blimps do not contain lithium. All blimps in current service use helium

Can blimps go to the moon?

No. Blimps require atmosphere.

What companies produce RC blimps?

There are some companies which produce remote controlled blimps. West Coast Blimps & Electronics, Yoshioka Model Factory, DraganFly Innovations Inc., and Model Airships and Blimps produce remote controlled blimps

What are the differences between hot air balloons and blimps?

blimps are oval shaped

How do blimps affect the way we travel or communicate today?

Blimps are obsolete nowadays. Blimps were always a danger to air travel, as well as its passengers. An example of the dangers of blimps was the Hindenburg tragedy.

Harvistmoon sunshine islands how does Pierre's orange heart event happen?

No, there isn't an orange heart event for anyone

What is muffys orange heart event on Harvest Moon DS?

There is no Orange Heart Event. Muffy only has a Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Event.

What are blimps for?

Modern blimps are used almost exclusively for advertising and/or sightseeing. Historically, blimps have also been used in military reconnaissance roles.

What are blimps used for?

Modern blimps are used almost exclusively for advertising and/or sightseeing. Historically, blimps have also been used in military reconnaissance roles.