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"probably mars because mars is made up of mostly iron and that is what makes it red."

This answer that was given is completely incorrect. The correct answer is: the core of a differentiated asteroid, now broken up.

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Q: Iron meteorites are believed to come from where?
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What are the kinds of meteorites?

Iron meteorites, stony meteorites and stony-iron meteorites.

What are the 3 main group classifications of meteorites?

There are 3 main classifications of meteorites; Stony-iron meteorites, Iron meteorites and Stony meteorites. Stony-iron meteorites are mainly composed of meteoric iron which can be also found in Iron meteorites, Iron meteorites commonly contains iron nickel alloy and the Stony meteorites are the meteorites consists of silicate.

What are three major types of meteorites?

Stony meteorites, iron meteorites, stony-iron meteorites.

What are the three major types of Meteorites?

Stony meteorites, iron meteorites, stony-iron meteorites.

Are all meteorites magnetic?

Meteorites fall into two classes, stony and iron. There is a belt of meteoric material near Mars, from which many of our meteorites come. Perhaps the debris from a broken planet? The iron meteorites, in fact iron-nickel mixtures, are magnetic. the stony meteorites are not. Have a look for Bode's Law in a reference source.

Why was iron rare hundreds of years ago?

It was believed by early people that the main source was meteorites.

What are the 3 types of meteorite?

Iron meteorites, stony meteorites and stony-iron meteorites.

What are the 3 kinds of meteorite?

Iron meteorites, stony meteorites and stony-iron meteorites.

What is the origin of an iron meteorite?

Iron meteorites come from the cores of differentiated bodies after bolide impact.

What are meteorites comprised of?

It depends on the type of meteorite: Stony meteorites are composed of Iron and Magnesium silicates. Stony-Iron meteorites are compose of silicates and Iron and Magnesium metals. Iron meteorites are primarily composed of Iron and Magnesium metals and Iron suphides.

What are 2 examples of meteorites?

Here are three: Iron, Stony, and Stony-iron, referring to their composition. They come in all sizes and come in at all speeds.

What are meteorites that are made up iron and nickel called?

"Iron meteorites" or simply "irons".