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Q: Is France a core or a periphery?
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What is core-periphery?

Core-periphery theory is the relationship between 2 countries, with the core being more developed while the periphery being the less developed. Usually, the core would benefit while the periphery would remain undeveloped because things like labour and raw materials travel from the periphery to the core.

What is ''core-periphery theory''?

Core-periphery theory is the relationship between 2 countries, with the core being more developed while the periphery being the less developed. Usually, the core would benefit while the periphery would remain undeveloped because things like labour and raw materials travel from the periphery to the core.

What are the three states of economy?

The core, periphery, and Semi periphery.

What is the difference between a core and a periphery nation?

Think of it like this: The core are the exploiters and the periphery are the exploited. It's almost as if the core is a highly developed country, and the periphery is the less developed country in the space around it.

What type of periphery is Vietnam or is it a core country?

I think it is a core country.

What countries would be in the core periphery?

core region countries core region countries

What is the major underlying assumption of the core-periphery model?

not one

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Core and periphery model-India?

The core goes along the coast of India with cities like Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad. Also there is another core around the capital city New Delhi. The periphery is inland with Madhya Pradesh and other cities inland are the periphery where primary industries are dominant.

What is global shift?

shift is industrial economic activities from the core countries to the periphery

What is the hydrophobic or hydrophilic areas of insulin?

Insulin core is hydrophobic but its periphery has hydrophillic regions

What does core periphery mean?

as one region grows economically, it overwhelms the regions surrounding it.