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No there is not a English dub sorry,but you can watch with English subs.

As a matter of fact, there IS going to be an official dub pretty soon.

I'm not all that obsessed or fond of the dub, but being a fan for it since...2008 or before maybe? I still have faith.

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Q: Is Ginga Legend Weed in English dub?
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youtube maybe even google !

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It can not be found in English dub as it is sadley not in English dub but you can see it in English sub =)

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There is not an English dub for Mekakucity Actors.

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A dub or twenty sack

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A pack of condoms and a dub of WEED

In georgiaHow much weed is in a dub of weed?

About 20 dollars, Its about 10 to 20 dollars a gram depending on the weed (there is around two grams in a dubsack)

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Only the first season is in English dub so far.

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Funimation released the English dub for it on August 4th 2015.

Where will you get videos of doraemon in English?

Doraemon has not been released in an English dub anywhere but Singapore, and the Singapore dub does not seem to be online.