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Q: Is Helen of troy beautifuler than Aphrodite?
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Who did Helen go with to Troy?

Aphrodite spirited Helen away to Troy to be with Paris.

What is the context of the film Helen of troy?

Helen of Troy's context is that the tragic misadventures are set up by a foolish man choosing Helen of Troy over the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite.

The most beautiful women in mythology?

If you're talking about a goddess, than probably Aphrodite. If a human, than probably Helen of Troy

What is Helen's reaction to Aphrodite's command and Aphrodite's attitude towards Helen?

The usual story is that Aphrodite made Helen fall in love with Paris, and so she willingly came along to Troy. (There are other versions.)

How did Paris of troy get Helen to fall in love with him?

He used Aphrodite's golden apple to put a spell on Helen.

Who is side was aphrodite on in the trojan war?

Troy. She gave Paris Helen's love.

Who started the Trojan war by stealing away Helen of troy?

Paris (and Aphrodite).

Who abducted Helen in the Trojan War?

Prince Paris of Troy did, withe the help of Aphrodite.

How was Helen of troy?

Aphrodite told Paris that the most beautiful woman in the world would marry him. The most beautiful woman was Helen.

What is Helen of Troy's powers?

She is super beautiful and is supposed to be the daughter of Aphrodite (Venus) goddess of beauty

Who kidnapped Helen from Sparta?

Prince Paris of Troy did. She had been promised to him by Aphrodite in return for his giving her the prize apple in the beauty contest on Mount Ida. So Aphrodite helped Paris kidnap Helen.

Who is Helen the greek god?

Helen was'nt a goddess. According to Greek legend, Helen of Troy was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta. Aphrodite, the goddess of love, promised her to Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, to reward Paris for judging Aphrodite the fairest of the goddesses.