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Q: Is a legion a group of warriors who stood close together in a square?
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How many feet in 9 square meters?

Answer: 9 m² = 96.8751 ft²

Can you compress a gas because its particles are close together?

No. You can compress a gas because the particles are NOT close together. If they are close together (as in a solid) it is extremely difficult to compress any further.

Is 120 is a square number?

No it is not a square number but it is very close to the square number 121.

How big extension is 120 square feet?

I will live dangerously and suggest it is pretty close to 120 square feet in area.I will live dangerously and suggest it is pretty close to 120 square feet in area.I will live dangerously and suggest it is pretty close to 120 square feet in area.I will live dangerously and suggest it is pretty close to 120 square feet in area.

Why does cotton grass grow together close to the ground?

Why does cotton grass grow together close to the soil

Are particles of a gas close together?

No they are the furtherst away out of solids, liquids and gases.

What does densely packed together mean?

densely means to collide and packed together means to be close. so put it together "collided and close".