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Q: Is a shiny landoris a ex card?
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Does shiny staravia evolve into shiny staraptor?

yes it will. ex: a shiny gold magikarp will evolve in to a shiny red garados.

What is a holo pokemon card?

A Holographic Pokemon card really means a shiny one

What are holo Pokemon cards?

Holo as in Holofoil, means that the card has a shiny exterior. When moved in light it reflects a good amount. The card is also worth a lot more than one that's not "Shiny". don't be confused when people say hologram those don't exist i believe and ex cards have silver border first there is scyther then it will say scyther EX wich means its stronger and "cooler looking :)"

How do you figure out if Yu-Gi-Oh cards are shiny?

The Cards Picture will be shiny. that is what a shiny card is.

Where to catch shiny garitina?

You need a cheat on a m3 card to get a shiny Giratina

From which trading card game is the character Charizard EX from?

The card game character Charizard EX is from the 5.1 EX Series. The card can be sold from $12 to $150, because the quantity of the card is not too high.

Can a ex felon get a guards card in Nevada?

can a ex-felon from california get a guard card in nevada.

Can you turn a Pokemon shiny?

no, you buy the card like that.

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Is shiny devil best bakugan card?

yes its the probably the best ability card

If you evolve your shiny Swablu will Altaria be a shiny Pokemon aswell?

of course (for ex. you have a normal charmander and evolves, does it become shiny?) no i don't so you can evolve it with no coward.. see ya