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Q: Is art of the Romantic period valued emotional restraint and clarity of form?
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What did romantic thinkers and artists value?

Romantic thinkers and artists valued emotional expression, individualism, and the beauty of nature. They rejected the rationality and restraint of the Enlightenment period in favor of celebrating passion, spontaneity, and the imagination. Romanticism sought to evoke powerful emotions and explore the complexities of the human experience.

Which music period includes the characteristics of emotional subjectivity and fantasy?


What kind of music was popular in the romantic period?

Ballads, emotional songs, etc.

What important late romantic composer responded to the unbridled emotionalism of romanticism with a return to a vienesse claccicism?

One important late romantic composer who responded to the unbridled emotionalism of romanticism with a return to Viennese classicism was Johannes Brahms. He sought to combine the rich harmonies and emotional depth of the Romantic era with the structural clarity and formal balance of the Classical period in his compositions.

What literary movement values logic clarity balance restraint and respect for tradition?

The literary movement that values logic, clarity, balance, restraint, and respect for tradition is Neoclassicism. Neoclassical writers sought to emulate the principles of ancient Greek and Roman literature, emphasizing rationality and order in their works. This movement arose in response to the perceived excesses of the Baroque period.

The word romantic was first used to describe what?

The word "romantic" was first used to describe a style of literature and art characterized by an emphasis on emotion, individualism, and nature. It was a reaction against the rationality and restraint of the Enlightenment period.

Which of these words best describes the music of the Romantic period?

You did not give us the words, but here's a suggestion. The Romantic period was the era of such great classical composers as Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Schumann, Schubert, and Chopin. Some words to describe the music of this period would be innovative, creative, and emotional.

What period was Chopin's Ballade No 3 in A-flat Major Op 47?

All of Chopin's music falls into the Romantic period of classical music. Music from that period tends to be very colorful, emotional, and expressionistic.

What was tchaikovsky's musical period?

Tchaikovsky was from the Romantic era which lasted from about 1820 to 1910. The Russian composer lived from 1840 - 1893.

What period is most closely related to the Mexican-American War?

Romantic Period

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Which period the composers were especially interested in telling stories in their musicaBaroque period bthe Classical Period cthe Romantic Period?

C) The Romantic Period