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its a species of sponge

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Q: Is cnidaria the same as sponges?
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What is Porifera Cnidaria Mollusca Nematoda?

Porifera = sponges. Cnidaria = jellyfish Mollusca = molluscs Nematoda = round worms

What type of symmetry do sponges exhibit How does this differ from organisms belonging to phylum Cnidaria Arthropoda?

Sponges are asymmetrical. Organisms in Cnidaria have radial symmetry while organisms in Arthropoda exhibit bilateral symmetry.

The highest level of organization in sponges found in coral reefs is their?

Cnidaria or poricnid

Is a coral a poriferan?

Corals are animals of the phylum Cnidaria, whereas:-Sponges are animals of the phylum Porifera.

Is a red beard sponge radial or bilateral?

sponges have no symmetry animals with radial symmetry are radiata and cnidaria, like jellyfish

Is phylum Cnidaria same as phylum coelenterata?

Yes. Coelenterates are the same as Cnidaria.

What system do the cnidaria and comb jellies have that sponges lack?

Despite neither jellies nor sponges having central nervous systems, jellies have true tissues. The cells in jellyfish are also bound together, unlike in sponges.

How are gases exchanged in both sponges and cnidarians?

Cnidaria don't have gills or lungs, but they take in oxygen from surrounding water through diffusion.

What are the Simplest group of invertebrate called?

Sponges (Porifera)Sponges are aquatic animals that make up the phylum Porifera (pohr-IF-uhr-uh). These simple organisms clearly represent the transition from unicellular to multicellular life.

What are all animals except bugs?

well, there are lots, so i`ll just say mammals,birds,fish,reptiles,amphibians,sponges,echinoderms,mollusks,and cnidaria.

Are barrel sponges the same as sponges?

Yes just a different shape

Why is coral classified as a simple animal?

It is in the same phlya as Cnidaria.