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Q: Is granite chemically weathered
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When granite is chemically weathered what happens?

it is changed to a clay form

Find out the names of two rocks that can be chemically weathered by natral rainwater?

I had the exact same question for one of my exams... I am fairly sure that the answer is: Granite and Limestone are two rocks that can be chemically weathered by natural rainwater. Hope I helped ! Alexx

Are sedimentary rocks chemically weathered?

Sedimentary rocks can be both chemically and mechanically weathered.

Can vinegar dissolve a granite rock?

No. Granite is very chemically resistant.

How can dolomite be chemically weathered by rain water?

love hue

How does the type of rock affect how it is chemically weathered?

It affects it by when you do it well, it happensedews

If two identical rocks were weathered one mechnically and the other chemically how would the products of weathering for the two rocks differ?

The product of the mechanically weathered rock would be identical to the original rock. The product of the chemically weathered rock would be dissimilar to the original rock.

When granite is weathered and eroded what rock does it become?

Sedimentary rock, it first forms tallus

What type of rock does china clay come from?

Granite, china clay is a by product of granite which means when granite is weathered and put under pressure china clay is formed . Hope this helps!

One sedimentary or one metamorphic rock that is most chemically weathered by acid rain?


What would have to happen to granite for it to become a sedimentary rock?

It would have to be weathered & the fragments cemented together.

Where can one purchase a large supply of decomposed granite?

Decomposed granite is granite that is weathered and has been broken down into gravel sized particles. One can purchase a large supply of decomposed granite by ordering it from a home improvement store such as Home Depot or Lowe's.