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Q: Is hairspray toxic to humans
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Related questions

Has hairspray changed ever since it was invented?

Hairspray has pretty much stayed the same since it was invented in the 1940s except chlorofluorocarbon compounds are no longer used since they discovered it can destroy the ozone. Hairspray is toxic and flammable.

Is bromine toxic to humans or environment?

Yes, Bromine is toxic

What is contains aromatic hydrocarbons which are toxic to humans?

Phenol is toxic and corrosive.

Do toxic chemicals help bacteria to grow?

The question is toxic to what. Not all chemicals which are toxic to humans are toxic to bacteria, and some chemicals which are toxic to bacteria are harmless to humans (which is why we can have antibiotics). There are chemicals (like Hydrogen Sulfide) which are very toxic to mammals that SOME bacteria eat as food. But there are other chemicals like chlorine which are toxic to both humans and bacteria. So the question does not have a simple answer.

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Is potassium acetate toxic?

yes it is toxic to humans It affectd the reproductive process and is carsenogenic

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The Australian plant Kangaroo paw is not toxic to humans or animals.

Can chugging hairspray kill you?

Yes. Hairspray, along with a lot of other beauty products, is extremely toxic and drinking it would kill you withen a very short period of time varying on things like body weight and height.

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Rutherfordium is radioactive.

Which is More toxic to humans inorganic Mercury or methyl Mercury?

Methyl mercury is more toxic