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Q: Is it better to use pounds or euros in France?
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Considering the the national curreny of Cyprus is the Euro, it would be better to use Euros in Cyprus than British Pounds.

Can you use pounds in France?

No, you have to exchange your money into euros and cents.

Is money in Paris in dollars or pounds?

France uses euros. As does the rest of europe. Except England who use pound sterling.

Does Corsica use euros?

Corsica is part of France, so yes it does use Euros.

Does France use euros?


Can you use euros in Glasgow airport?

You can indeed,and if you desire you can exchange the euros for pounds.

What currency do they use at present in France and what did it replace?

France uses euros.

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What kind of money do they use in France and Spain?


Which is the name of the currency utility in France?

You can use both Euros and Francs in France

230 euros how much in pounds?

230 Euros = 200.975453 British pounds.

What does Scotland call there money?

the Scottish use pounds unlike Ireland who use euros