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In and of itself, it is not illegal to fire someone over the phone.

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Q: Is it illegal to fire someone over the phone?
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Is it illegal to fire someone over email?

No, but it is not very nice - unless all your interaction with that person is by email.

Is it illegal to call someone a jerk over the phone?

It depends wheather the person was trying to hurt you or actually meant it. If they were trying to hurt you then it would be illegal yes!

Is it illegal to have sexual contact with someone over 18 if your younger?

It is illegal.

Is phone harassment a law?

No. It is illegal to harass people over the phone or any other media.

Is is illegal to make a threat over the phone?

it is still illegal to make a threat over the telephone.If the other person were to contact the police you could be done for threatening behavior.Also if it is done using a mobile phone the police also have the power to have your phone blocked.

IS it illegal to date someone over eighteen if you are under eighteen?

No, but in most states it is technically illegal to have sex.

Is it illegal to unlock a cell phone?

As of right now, in the US, unlocking is not illegal. If you have a legitimate reason (like your going on an extended trip over seas), some companies will unlock the phone for you.

Is it illegal to make threats via the internet?

Yes it is. As well as over your phone calls.

Is it illegal to fire someone over the phone in north Carolina?

Yes, a person can be fired through any communications mechanism. While it is certainly considered better to do it face to face, for some shift and hourly workers it is not possible.

Can a 16 year old buy baccy papers?

NO. It's illegal. It's as illegal as someone over sixteen selling drugs.