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If you mean here on earth, yes - for one, the "Tunguska Event" in Siberia early in the 20th century is believed by many astronomers to have been caused by a chunk of Comet Encke breaking off and falling into earth's atmosphere. The "K-T Event", credited with the end of the dinosaur area may have been cause by a comet impact, though an asteroid is usually believed to have been the cause of that. The fact that water exists in huge quantities on the earth is also believed by many astronomers to have come from multiple comet impacts early in earth's history.

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Q: Is it possible comets were actually connected to any disasters in the past?
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Is it possible to live on comets?

No its not possible to live on comets cauz: 1. they have no atmosphere and gravitation. 2. they have high speed spin.

How quickly to comets cross your skies?

Comets can actually be visible in the sky for up to a few hours, depending on how close they actually get to Earth.

What are some possible fates of comets?

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It is possible for comets and asteroids to hit Earth, but they are extremely rare events.

Do five or several comets circle the Sun a year?

actually several comets circle the sun a year!

Is it true that comets have tails?

Yes. I've actually read an article about it today !

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A few people say that the the world is actually gonna end on Dec. 21 2012 on 6:00. However, there is no evidence on the world going to end, and if there is evidence, it's usually crazy storms, crazy land disasters, and astroids, comets, etc.

Is disasters related to comets and asteroids?

If they hit Earth, which is an extremely rare event, then they could cause a disaster. Just seeing them in the night sky does not mean a warning of some disaster that will happen. So for the most part they are not related to disasters and are things to be enjoyed if you can see them in the night sky.

What are the effect of comets?

Unless the comet actually hits the Earth, there would be no effect whatsoever.

Who first worked out what comets actually were?

In 1577 a Dutch Astronomer was the first to deduce that comets were outside of our atmosphere. Next it was Issac Newton who concluded that gravity was what caused them to accelerate like they do.

What A possible icy cloud surrounding the solar system from which some comets originate?

The Oort cloud.

What is A possible icy cloud surrounding the solar system from which some comets originate?

The Oort cloud.