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Q: Is it true that an astronaut is weight in space Explain answer?
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Is it true when an astronaut goes on a space walk outside the space station she will float away unless she has a tether hold her to the station or she constantly fires thrusters on her space suit?

Absolutely true .

Are there astronauts that died in space?

I don`t believe so but it may be very true. All I can tell you is that I think for sure not one astronaut has died in space.

What is the astronaut's weight on the moon?

If something weighs 127kg on Earth it will weigh 21kg on the Moon.

Is the astronaut framer true?

No--The Astronaut Farmer is purely a work of fiction.

Why did Mae jemison want to become an astronaut?

She wanted to become an astronaut because she loved science and wanted to know what space was like!

When an astronaut is in space his or her body is acted upon by an increased gravitational force from the Earth True or False?

this answer is false because when you go into space you start to float. So the answer is false. You loose the gravitational pull not gain gravitational pull.

Why is an astronaut able to jump around so easily on the moon?

Well, he isn't, really. It's true that the effective gravity is only one-sixth that on Earth, but the weight and bulk of the space suit counteracts that. It wouldn't allow an astronaut to jump normally, for example. Plus, as sturdy as the space suits were, it would only take one fall to rip the suit and ruin your whole day. The Moon walking astronauts did discover that it was possible, and fairly efficient, to hop with both feet at once, sort of like a kangaroo does. That was a lot faster than walking.

What will happen when you throw an astronaut into outer space?

He will shout, panic, cry, pray, die then his corpse will be left in orbit over the earth for a few decades or centuries before it falls back on it... disgusting but true

Is it true an astronaunt is weightless in space?

It is logicaly true but not scientifically because if we refer to it according to science then it is the gravitation that has become zero, the same gravitational force due to which our weight is present on earth.

Why did the scientics did not use use pencil in space?

They can't, because if the lead breaks up it will fly and it may go into astronaut nose or poke their eye. sources- 3 idiots Hindi movie (their is part where they dicuss about this question and it is true)

Is it true that if an astronaut falls he can't get up again?

No, it will just take a while! A a matter of fact, an astronaut on that famous first trip to the moon in the 60s fell over, but he managed to get up!

The weight of a spaceship changes as it leaves the earth however its mass does not change.?

true, that's because no matter how gravity changes the weight of what ever is leaving the atmosphere, does not change how big and the space it takes up is.