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Sliver is a metal and an element, found in ores. So your answer would be no, silver is a metal and an element

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Q: Is silver a minerial
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Which is not a minerial?

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What is a minerial?

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What minerial is marble?

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What is a minerial worth?

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Glass is made up of silicon and oygen. SiO2.

Is Harvest Moon Friends of Minerial Town hard to find?

No, you can find it on amazon, for like 20 bucks.

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There are hot minerial springs in Arkansas, California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Texas and Washington.

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Personally, I think Gray, he is by far the easiest to get the affection of, and he's a cutie.

What has the author Robert O Bloomer written?

Robert O. Bloomer has written: 'Garnets in various rock types in the Canton area in northern New York' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, Garnet, Mines and minerial resources, Geology

What is meant by silver salts?

Silver salts are salts containing the cation of silver: silver nitrate, silver chloride, silver iodide, silver sulfate etc.

What are silver salts?

Examples: silver chloride, silver fluoride, silver iodide, silver bromide, silver astatide, silver sulfide, silver nitrate etc. For silver halogenides a method of preparation is the reaction between silver nitrate and a salt containing the halogen.