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Q: Is stick together and you will come out on top a simile?
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What layers of small sediments stick together because when pressure occurs?

When layers of small sediments stick together because of pressure, compaction occurs. :)

Is you felt on top of the world a simile?

No, "felt on top of the world" is not a simile. It is an idiom used to express feeling extremely happy or successful. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things using "like" or "as," such as "as busy as a bee."

How do stick parts together in roblox?

You can stick parts together on roblox using a 'weld'. You can use a weld by going to the 2/more bricks that you are going to put together and going to the top of your screen then pressing the weld button (It looks like a 3D cube with a 'X' on it). Then, just click the side of the brick you want the weld on and stick the other brick on it and it will stick!

What makes bubbles stick to something?

Water is made up of lots of tiny molecules. The molecules are attracted to each other and stick together. The molecules on the very top of the water stick together very closely to make a force called surface tensionI hope that helps :D

Pressure from water and top layers over thousands of years causes lower layers to stick together and form what?

The Answer Is Compaction.(:

How do you bake ham and cheese together?

You get a stick free pan and you lay the ham down first then put the cheese on top of the ham.

What part of a plant does celery come from?

the celery "stick" is the stem and the leaves at the top the leaves of the plant; both the leaves and stems are edible

How do you in marapets stick the volcano map pieces together?

To stick the volcano map pieces together in Marapets, you need to go to the Mogul Invasion map page and click on the 'Stick Map Together' button in the middle of the page. This will automatically combine the pieces into a complete map.

What shape has 4 faces are triangles that come together in a point at the top?

A square-based pyramid

What are the top 6 figures of speech?

simile,metaphor,personification,hyperbole,alliteration and irony

What is simile for frisbee?

i want to know