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It seems you are talking about animation effects in PowerPoint. If so, to locate different animation effects you would need to carry out these steps:-

1. Click Animation > Advanced Animation > Animation Pane

2. Click on the text/object/shape/image you want to animate

3. On the Animations tab, use the Animation gallery or Add Animation to apply an effect to the object that you clicked.

4. Click Add Animation to add another effect. If you don't use Add Animation, you won't add a new effect but instead will change an effect you've applied.

5. Use the Animation Pane to change the order of the effects, and the Timing group on the Animation tab to coordinate when each effect starts and how long it lasts.

6. At Start, choose With Previous to run an effect at the same time as another. Choose After Previous to start an effect when another one finishes.

7. To watch how it all works together, click Preview on the Animation tab.

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