Translation for crow, the bird, is gáagii.
Don't you mean the pet MOUSE ?It was a pet bird, not mouse.Jake
Crows (ravens) do live in the deserts of North America. Answer2. The common crow does live in the deserts, but in limited numbers. The common raven, a larger relative of the crow, is found there, as is the Chihuahuan raven. Ravens are similar in appearance to crows, but are larger, with shaggy throat feathers and a larger bill. In flight, the crow has a fan shaped tail, while ravens show a distinct wedge shaped tail. Raven's call is a hoarse croak, while the crow emits an honest to goodness "caw".
because if you were a farmer a crow or a black bird it will eat all your crops ' because if you were a farmer a crow or a black bird it will eat all your crops '
Yes, a Raven is a bird, it is a member of the crow family.
A raven is very similar to a crow, but it is larger.
crow raven rook
A Raven is a large black bird of the crow family and flies around in the woods.
Raven, crow, rook, cormorant.
crow, raven, vulture, condor, ostrich
The crow currently has not been selected as the bird for any state.
Top 3 are probably Raven, Crow and Owl.
crows. like the song the crow and the butterfly on the sound of madness album
A grackle, crow, raven, an owl that killed your cat......any bird can be a nasty farm bird if the farmer doesn't want it there.
More than likely a rook. Other possibilities would be Raven or Jackdaw
A little bird like a blue jay, probably not. Something like a crow, raven or hawk, yes.