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No. I'd put the blame mostly on the owner of Titanic, The White Star Lines. It's because they prioritized luxury, fame, and money over the safety of the passengers. There were supposed to be 64 lifeboats that would fit the entire whole crew and passengers of the ship, but they lessened it to 16. 64 lifeboats... to 16?!? Since the lifeboats take up space in the ship, they lessened it to make way for more luxury things like cabins and rooms. That's why when the ship sank, not even 1/3 of them survived because of the lack of lifeboats.

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Q: Is the designer of titanic to blame for the sinking?
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Captain Edward John Smith was mildly scapegoated at the British Inquiry after the sinking of Titanic but it was a matter of convenience to shift some blame to the dead guy.

Who was to blame the sinking of the titanic?

Nobody - The cause of the ship sinking - was that it hit an iceberg, which tore open multiple water-tight compartments.

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Captain Edward John Smith was mildly scapegoated at the British Inquiry after the sinking of Titanic but it was a matter of convenience to shift some blame to the dead guy.

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Captain Edward John Smith was mildly scapegoated at the British Inquiry after the sinking of Titanic but it was a matter of convenience to shift some blame to the dead guy.

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Because Wilson Wang said so.

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Well, the captain was not at blame for the Titanic sinking it was the guy who was on the lookout deck, and was in charge of seeing ahead to tell the captain. He forgot his binoculars therefore when the big iceberg came he did not see it soon enough. But when he did she it and he tried to warn the captain, it was to late

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HELP PLEASE?!?!?!?!? i also need this for a core task!x

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No she did not survive the sinking of the Titanic.

Who was found by the inquiries to titanic faults?

Captain Edward John Smith was mildly scapegoated at the British Inquiry after the sinking of Titanic but it was a matter of convenience to shift some blame to the dead guy.