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Q: Is the hour meter the same as regular time?
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How many regular time zones are there?

24..all an hour apart, and an hour's difference.

What are the units of a capillary number?

capillary number(Ca)=(viscosity*velocity)/surface tension viscosity have the unit (kg/(meter*time)) same for velocity(meter/time) and surface tension ((kg*meter)/(time2*meter)) so= (kg *meter*time*time*meter)/(meter*time*time*kg*meter) = unitless dimension={M0 L0 T0}

What is 1635 in regular time?

Based on the number of countries that use 24-hour time vs. the number of countries that use 12-hour time, I'd say the regular time is 16:35.(The irregular time is 4:35 PM.)

What is 1900 military time in regular time?

In a lot of countries, the 24 hour clock is the norm, and it's just as "regular" (perhaps even more so) than the 12 hour clock. As for the time, that would be 7:00 p.m.

How many regular time zones are there on earth?

24, One for each hour of the day.

What is the use for an hour meter?

An hour meter keeps track of how long a particular machine is in use and will inform the owner of when a certain amount of time has been reached. When those hours are reached the machine can receive the proper maintenance on schedule.

What time is 2000 in regular time?

2000 hours is the same as 8pm.

Could speed or velocity exist without time?

Speed is scalar quantity where as velocity is vector quantity. Unit is same as distance by time i.e. meter per second, kilometer per hour. Hence, either speed or velocity does not exist without time.

What is unit of acceleration?

Since acceleration is (change of speed) / (time), the most logical choice for units is (meter / second) / second, which is usually written as meter / second2. Actually, any unit of length can be divided by two units of time (the same unit squared, as above, or two different units, as in kilometers / hour / second). But calculations will be simpler if you stick to the standard SI units, in this case, meter / second2.

What time does cvs store open on dec 26.2011?

i believe they open regular time because they are a 24 hour store.

What is Mercury's hour length?

60 minutes = 1 hour. time is a constant so an hour on Mercury is the same as an hour on earth.

What does meter refer to the sequence of?

Meter refers to the rhythmic pattern of beats in music that repeat in a regular cycle. It dictates the organization of musical time and is often denoted by a time signature at the beginning of a piece of music.